Listening to unconscious communication



Oslo, 17. mars 2018 kl. 09.00-15.00



Caroline Polmear is a Training and Supervising Analyst of the British Institute of Psychoanalysis. Some of her publications include: A Short introduction to Psychoanalysis with Jane Milton and Julia Fabricius; Finding the bridge: psychoanalytic work with Asperger’s syndrome patients, in The Many Faces of Asperger’s Syndrome, eds. Maria Rhode and Trudy Klauber and in Autism in Childhood and Autistic Features in Adults ed. Kate Barrows; Envy and Gratitude: an Independent view, in Envy and Gratitude Revisited eds. Priscilla Roth and Alessandra Lemma; Dying to live: mourning, melancholia and the adolescent process, in Enduring Loss eds. Eileen McGinley and Arturo Varchevker, and The Basic Fault and the borderline psychotic transference, in Independent Psychoanalysis Today eds. Paul Williams, John Keene and Sira Dermen.


«Listening to unconscious communication»

Caroline Polmear writes about her paper:

«Every day, in every session, we sit with our patients listening to their unconscious communication. I would like to think with you about the different ways in which we listen. From where do we draw our information? How do we discover the developmental level at which the patient is speaking? About what and to whom are they speaking? Simple questions of course but not easy to answer. Unconscious communication is just as it says: unconscious. Thus we cannot know it just by listening to the words. We may be listening to a defence against unconscious communication and self-knowledge, splitting off and projection of unconscious material, an identification with the analyst’s voice rather than an authentic communication, a way the patient feels he has to relate to his object in order to be loved by her, and so on.»


09-10.30 Caroline Polmear:»Listening to
unconscious communication»

10.30-10.45 Kaffepause

10.45-12.15 Presentasjon og diskusjon av kasus

12.15-13.30 Lunsj

13.30-15.00 Presentasjon og diskusjon av kasus


Seminaret er godkjent som 6 timers vedlikeholdsaktivitet av legeforeningen og psykologforeningen.


Dersom du ønsker å legge frem kasus, ta kontakt med Irene Dundas,

Sted: Seminaret skal være i instituttets lokaler i Nydalsveien 15, Oslo

Pris: 2000,-, inkl. lunsj

Tidspunkt: Lørdag 17. mars 2018 kl. 09.00-15.00


Påmelding:, innen 1. mars 2018 (Påmeldingen er bindende)

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