Jung and Bion: Intersecting Vertices

Mark Winborn, PhD, NCPsyA


19. mars 2025. Kl 19-21. Pris 550kr / student eller kandidat: 200kr. Påmeldingsfrist 12. mars 2025. Digitalt foredrag, med mulighet for å se samlet ved institutt for psykoterapi med innledning. Lett servering.

Seminar Description:

This seminar will focus on the interaction of ideas and clinical practice between the theories of Carl Jung and Wilfred Bion. This seminar will be divided into three sections. The first section will involve laying out the key ideas of Wilfred Bion as well as identifying the points of convergence, divergence, and complementation between the theories of Bion and Jung. The second section will highlight ideas that have built upon and expanded the work of Wilfred Bion, that is, the ideas of contemporary Bionian theorists, in particular Thomas Ogden, Antonino Ferro, and Giuseppe Civitarese. Ogden, Ferro, and Civitarese are three of the most influential writers in the contemporary psychoanalytic world. The final section will be a case supervision used to illustrate differences in Jungian and Bionian approaches to the unconscious.


Civitarese, G. (2005). Fire at the theatre: (Un)reality of/in the transference and interpretation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 86(5): 1299-1316

Ferro, A. (2009). Transformations in Dreaming and Characters in the Psychoanalytic Field. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 90(2): 209-230.

Ogden, T. (2017). Dreaming the analytic session: A clinical essay. Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 86: 1-20.

Winborn, M. (2018). Jung and Bion: Intersecting Vertices, in Robin S. Brown (Ed.), Re-Encountering Jung: Analytical Psychology and Contemporary Psychoanalysis (pp.85-112). London: Routledge.


Mark Winborn, Ph.D., is a Jungian psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist. He received his BS in Psychology from Michigan State University in 1982, his MS and PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Memphis in 1987, and his certificate in Jungian Analysis from the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts in 1999.  From 1988 – 1990 he was the staff psychologist at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. He is a training analyst with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, the C.G. Jung Institute – Küsnacht, and the Romanian Society for Analytical Psychology. He is also on the adjunct faculty of the Russian Society for Analytical Psychology and the Moscow Association for Analytical Psychology. His primary areas of interest are analytic technique and the integration of psychoanalytic theories. He has published or edited five books: Deep Blues: Human Soundscapes for the Archetypal Journey, Shared Realities: Participation Mystique and Beyond, Interpretation in Jungian Analysis: Art and Technique, Beyond Persona: On Individuation and Beginnings with Jungian Analysts (with Lavinia Țânculescu-Popa), and Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction (part of the Routledge series – Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis), as well as numerous articles and book chapters. His work has also been published in Russian, German, French, Portuguese, Hungarian, and Romanian. He received the Gradiva prize from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for the best article published in 2022 and was a finalist in 2014 for the best edited book in psychoanalysis. Additionally, He has presented papers at the past five Congresses of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022). He lectures widely both in the USA and internationally.

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