Det årlige veilederseminaret 2019 – The Analytic Consultation: how we practice and how we supervise

Instituttets medlemmer inviteres til det årlige veilederseminaret med


Lørdag 21. september 2019 kl. 09.00 – 17.00

The Analytic Consultation: how we practice and how we supervise

The first engagement a patient has with an analytic assessor committed to trying to understand them at a deep level is an event of great personal importance. Patients rarely arrive for their consultation knowing this in advance, but the analyst knows this. The challenge is to prepare ourselves for a formal, professional engagement with the patient for whom this process is at the same time deeply personal. During the consultation, we are required to attend to many aspects: the presenting problems, conscious concerns and current situation, the psychiatric condition, personal and social history and any risk factors. But what is distinctive about the analytic consultation is that in addition to this, we put an additional source of information at centre stage: our understanding of the transference as it develops and is lived out during the consultation itself. This, along with the other sources of information allows us to arrive at a provisional analytic formulation which will guide our decisions. How we actually do this work, the kind of stance we try to take, how we listen and respond to the material and attend to our counter-transference, can only be acquired through repeated experience. It is a huge challenge for the clinician and demands that we attend to our own emotional, intellectual and professional state concurrently.

Expertise in conducting analytic consultations is gained over many years of apprenticeship in which clinical work is closely supervised by an experienced practitioner. This workshop will focus on how we conduct consultations and how this informs our approach to the supervision of our students / candidates. I will give a theoretical introduction which will include some clinical vignettes illustrating some of the analytic scenarios and challenges we might face and we will then explore the clinical material brought by some of the participants to the workshop.

We may also wish to discuss some theoretical papers and I will be suggesting some relevant references before we meet.

Francesca Hume first trained as a clinical psychologist before going to Nicaragua (Central America) in the early 90’s. There, she researched and published findings, on the traumatic impact of the war on combatants from both sides of the conflict. After working at the Henderson Therapeutic Community and later specialising in forensic work, she joined the Tavistock and undertook psychoanalytic training there and at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. Now a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society, she is also Course Director for the Tavistock’s Adult Psychotherapy Training. She has presented keynote papers at the Melanie Klein Conference, at UCL and at the Tavistock and has written on psychoanalytic concepts as well as on the impact of developmental trauma. She has also published papers on group analysis with refugees and on Bion’s contribution. She has a private analytic practice and runs clinical seminars in the UK and internationally, in Germany and India.


Alle med veiledningsoppgaver ved instituttet oppfordres særlig til å delta i seminaret, som er åpent for alle medlemmer. Seminaret vil bli søkt godkjent av Norsk psykologforening og Den norske legeforening.

Dersom du ønsker å legge frem klinisk materiale i seminaret, fortrinnsvis fra intervju / vurdering for psykoterapi, ta kontakt med Inger Karlsen:

Sted: Thon Hotel Storo

Pris: 2500,-

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Påmeldingsfrist: 9. september

Godkjent av Den norske legeforening med 8 timer som valgfritt kurs for leger i spesialisering og spesialistenes etterutdanning for spesialitetene Psykiatri og Rus- og avhengighetsmedisin.

Kurset godkjennes som 6 timers fritt spesialkurs og som 6 timers vedlikeholdsaktivitet av Norsk psykologforening.

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