Supervision seminar online, with Francesca Hume

20. mars 2021 kl 9-16

Francesca Hume first trained as a clinical psychologist before going to Nicaragua (Central America) in the early 90’s. There, she researched and published findings, on the traumatic impact of the war on combatants from both sides of the conflict. After working at the Henderson Therapeutic Community and later specialising in forensic work, she joined the Tavistock and undertook psychoanalytic training there and at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. Now a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society, she is also Course Director for the Tavistock’s Adult Psychotherapy Training. She has presented keynote papers at the Melanie Klein Conference, at UCL and at the Tavistock and has written on psychoanalytic concepts as well as on the impact of developmental trauma. She has also published papers on group analysis with refugees and on Bion’s contribution. She has a private analytic practice and runs clinical seminars in the UK and internationally, in Germany and India.

She will give a brief paper about her experience with online supervision. Some papers concerning supervision will be discussed. Two or three cases will be presented for supervision and discussion.

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