Maia Kirchkheli: Psychic Creativity in the Psychoanalytic Session
Institutt for Psykoterapi invitere til vegleiarseminar laurdag 29. mars 2025 kl. 09.30-17.30.
Stad: Institutt for Psykoterapi – Gjerdrums vei 19, Oslo
Pris: 3.700 kr (deltakaravgifta inkludere studiedagen/seminaret, lunsj og printmateriale)
Kurshaldar er Dr. Maia Kirchkheli:
Dr Maia Kirchkheli is a psychiatrist and an IPA psychoanalyst. She worked as a specialist in a drug and substance misuse clinic in Georgia before moving to the UK, where she first obtained the MA in Consultation and the Organisation: Psychoanalytic Approaches at The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, and then trained and qualified as a psychoanalyst at The Institute of Psychoanalysis, London in 2017. She is currently in full-time private practice in London, and teaches at The Institute of Psychoanalysis, British Psychoanalytic Association, and University College London. Her essay ‘Beyond words’ won the Winnicott Essay Prize (Student Path) marking the publication of the Collected Works of D.W. Winnicott by Oxford University Press in 2017. She participated at the IPA conference, ‘Medea: Femininity, Motherhood, Love and Hate’, organized by COWAP (Committee of Women and Psychoanalysis, IPA) in 2018 in Tbilisi, Georgia. She presented: ‘Playing and its Relation to Psyche-Soma. Origins of psychoanalytic apperception’ at the conference ‘Winnicott: A Present for the Future’ organised by The Winnicott Trust in 2021. Maia has been involved in various artistic pursuits and her main area of interest is in the overlap of creativity and psychoanalysis.
Alle med vegleiaroppgåver ved instituttet blir spesielt oppfordra til å delta på seminaret. Seminaret er opent for alle medlemmar. Seminaret blir lagt opp som ein studiedag med ei forelesning, diskusjon og to kliniske framlegg med diskusjon.
NB! Dersom du kan tenke deg å legge frem klinisk materiale i seminaret og dermed få ekstra utbytte av seminaret, ta kontakt med Ole Johan Finnøy, tlf.: 90514931, e-post: und-leder@instpsyk.no.
Seminaret blir søkt godkjent som fritt spesialkurs av Norsk Psykologforening og som spesialistkurs i psykiatri og rus og avhengigheitsmedisin av Den Norske Legeforeningen.
Vegleiarsamlinga kreve påmelding og fristen er fredag 7. mars 2025. Påmelding sendast til sekr@instpsyk.no.
Vi minne også om at Generalforsamlingen 2025 blir arrangert kvelden før, fredag 28. mars kl. 17.00-20.00.
Program for the Study Day in Oslo, Norway. Saturday, 29th of March 2025:
by Dr Maia Kirchkheli, IPA, Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society.
Start: 10.00-11.30 She will read a clinical paper: Playing, Evocative Communication and Interpretation.
The understanding and the discussion of the paper will be more productive if the group reads the following papers:
Winnicott, D.W. (1968) Playing: A Theoretical Statement. In The Collected Works of D.W. Winnicott, Volume 8, Part 2:15.
Winnicott, D.W. (1971) Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena. In The Collected Works of D.W. Winnicott, Volume 9, Part 3:5.
11.30-11.45 Coffee/ Tea break
11.45-13:15 Clinical Seminar: supervision within the framework of the Independent Tradition. A brief history and 2 consecutive sessions.
13:15-14:15 Lunch
14.15-15:45 Reading Winnicott. She will expect the group to have read closely these papers and she will be receptive to what they will bring to discussion.
Winnicott D.W. (1966) The Location of Cultural Experience. In The Collected Works of D.W. Winnicott, Volume 7, Part 3:31.
Winnicott, D.W. (1967) Playing: Creative Activity and the Search for the Self. In The Collected Works of D.W. Winnicott, Volume 8, 1967-1968, Part 1.
Winnicott, D.W. (1971) Creativity and Its Origins. In The Collected Works of D.W. Winnicott, Volume 9, Part 3:7.
15:45-16:00 Coffee/ Tea break
16:00-17.30Clinical Seminar, supervision within the framework of the Independent Tradition. A brief history and 2 consecutive sessions.