Veilederseminar med Francesca Hume

Institutt for psykoterapi inviterer til dagsseminar den 26.3.22 kl. 9-17.

Sted: Institutt for psykoterapi, Gjerdrumsvei 19 (5. etg), 0484 Oslo.

Francesca Hume er kjent ved instituttet fra tidligere veilederseminarer. Dette seminaret vil dreie seg om å bli veileder. Seminaret holdes på engelsk.

Francesca Hume first trained as a clinical psychologist in London before going to Nicaragua (Central America) in the early 90’s. There, she researched and published findings, on the traumatic impact of the war on combatants from both sides of the conflict. After working at the Henderson Therapeutic Community and later specialising as a Forensic Clinical Psychologist she became a member of staff at the Tavistock Clinic and undertook psychoanalytic training there and at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. Now a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society, she has a private analytic practice and supervises widely in the UK and abroad as well as continuing to run one of the clinical units at the Tavistock Clinic. She was the Course Director for the Tavistock’s Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training for 14 years until last year and is currently writing and editing a book on psychoanalytic training conveying her experience as an analytic trainer and the development of an analytic identity in her students.  Francesca has presented keynote papers at the Melanie Klein Trust Conference, at UCL, at the Tavistock and broadly elsewhere and has written on psychoanalytic concepts as well as on the impact of developmental trauma. She has also published papers on group analysis with refugees and on Bion’s contribution. 

She will give an introduction to the day’s workshop on supervision, describing her own technique and the stance she takes towards the analytic learning process of her students. Some papers concerning supervision will be discussed and we there will also be the chance for attendees to present and discuss their own analytic material. 


9.00-9.30: Kaffe

9.30-11.00: Introduksjon til dagens workshop om veiledning ved Francesca Hume, etterfulgt av diskusjon av den første av de teoretiske artiklene

11.00-11.15: Pause

11.15-12.45: Første kliniske seminar

12.45-13.45: Lunsj

13.45-15.15: Andre kliniske seminar

15.15-15.30: Pause

15.30-17.00: Diskusjon av den andre teoretiske artikkel om veiledning

Alle med veiledningsoppgaver ved instituttet oppfordres særlig til å delta på seminaret, som er åpent for alle medlemmer.

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Barne- og ungdomspsykiatri: godkjent med 7 timer som valgfritt kurs for leger i spesialisering og spesialistenes etterutdanning for leger i gammel ordning.

Psykiatri: godkjent med 7 timer for spesialistenes etterutdanning.

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