A2 – Videregående seminar

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Lemma, Alessandra (2016). Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 2nd Ed. West Sussex: Wiley

Særlig kapitlene 4 (om setting og holdning), 5 (vurdering og formulering), 6 (ubevisst kommunikasjon), 7 (forsvar og motstand), 8 (overføring og motoverføring) og 9 (avslutning).

Ogden, Thomas (2012). Creative Readings: Essays on Seminal Analytic Works. London: Routledge

Leses som støttelitteratur til originalartiklene av Freud, Klein, Fairbairn, Winnicott, Bion.


Freud, Sigmund (1992). Afhandlinger om behandlingsteknik. København: Hans Reitzel

  • Om overføringens dynamik (1912)
  • Bemærkninger om overføringskærligheden. (1915)
  • Den endelige og den uendelige analyse. (1937)

Freud, Sigmund (1917). Sorg og melankoli. (S. Dahl, overs.) ss. 137-149 i Freud, S. (2011). Mellom psykoanalyse og litteratur. (I. Engelstad & J. Øverland, red.) Oslo: Gyldendal.

Strachey, James (1934). The nature of the therapeutic action of psycho-analysis. Int J Psychoanal, 15. 127-159.
Leses sammen med: Gabbard, Glen (1999). Classic article: Introduction. J Psychother Pract Res 8: 64-65  Lenke til artikkelen


Fromm, Erich (1955). Remarks on the problem of free association. Fra Donnel Stern et al. (1995).Pioneers of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. New York: Analytic press. (ss. 123-134, inkludert introduksjon av Marianne Horney Eckardt).

Levenson, Edgar A. (1988). The pursuit of the particular: On the psychoanalytic inquiry.Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 24, 1-16.  Lenke til artikkelen

Ehrenberg, Darlene B. (1974). The intimate edge in therapeutic relatedness. Contemp. Psychoanal., 10:423-437.  Lenke til artikkelen


Bion, Wilfred (1962). Learning from experience. London: Karnac.  Kap. 1-12 (37 s.) med mest vekt på kap. 3, 4, 7, 10 og 12. (17 s.)  Lenke til boken
Leses sammen med: Stokkeland, Jon M. (2012). Notater om Bions Learning from experience. Upubl. 10 s. og/eller Brown, L.J. (2012). Bion’s discovery of alpha function: Thinking under fire on the battlefield and in the consulting room, Int J of Psychoanal, 93(5), 1191–1214

Fairbairn, W. Ronald D. (1941). A revised psychopathology of the psychoses and psychoneuroses. ss. 28-58 i Fairbairn (1951). Psychoanalytic studies of the personality. London: Routledge & Keegan  Lenke til boken

Klein, Melanie (1946). Notes on some schizoid mechanisms. ss. 1-24 i Klein (1988) Envy and gratitude: and other works 1946-1963. London: Virago Press  Lenke til boken

Winnicott, Donald W. (1971). The use of an object and relating through identifications.Fra Winnicott (1971). Playing and reality. London: Routledge.  Lenke til boken


Aron, Lewis (2006). Analytic impasse and the third: Clinical implications of intersubjectivity theory. Int J of Psychoanal, 87, 349-368.  Lenke til artikkelen

Bollas, Christopher (1992). The psychoanalyst’s use of free association. Fra Being a Character: Psychoanalysis and Self Experience, kap. 5. New York: Hill and Wang

Bromberg, Philip M. (2003). Something wicked this way comes: Trauma, dissociation, and conflict: The space where psychoanalysis, cognitive science, and neuroscience overlap.Psychoanalytic Psychology, 20, 558-574.  Lenke til artikkelen

Feldman, Michael (1997). Projective identification: The analyst’s involvement. Int J Psycho-Anal, 78:227-241. Lenke til artikkelen

Joseph, Betty (1983). Defence mechanisms and phantasy in the psychoanalytical process. Kap. 8 i Joseph (1989) Psychic Equilibrium and Psychic ChangeSelected papers of Betty Joseph. (Feldman, M. & E. B. Spillius., red.) London: Routledge.

Green, André (1983). The dead mother. I Green (1986) On private madness. London: Karnac

Leses sammen med: Grønnevik, Kjell (2019). Flukten fra det moderlige nekropolis, Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, Vol 56, nummer 9, 2019, side 696-708.

Buechler, Sandra (2015). Generative ageing. I Buechler (2015) Understanding and treeating patients in psychoanalysis. Lessons from literature. New York: Routledge

Steiner, John (2006). Interpretative enactments and the analytic setting. Int J Psychoanal, 87:315-320.   Lenke til artikkelen
Levenson, Edgar A. (2006). Response to John Steiner. Int J Psycho-Anal, 87:321-324.  Lenke til artikkelen
Steiner, John (2006). Reply to Dr Levenson. Int J Psycho-Anal, 87:325-328.  Lenke til artikkelen

Stern, Donnel B. (2010). The eye sees itself. Kap. 4. fra Stern (2010). Partners in thought.Working with unformulated experience, dissociation, and enactment. New York: Routledge.

Våpenstad, E. V. (2012). A temperate presence. The meaning of subjectivity and neutrality in classical and contemporary psychoanalysis. Scand. Psychoanal. Rev. 35: 82-93
Leses sammen med: Zachrisson, A. (2008). Neutrality, tenderness and the analyst’s subjectivity: Reflections on the analytic relationship. Scand. Psychoanal. Rev., 31:86-94.  Lenke til artikkelen

Rørosgaard, Olaf (2019). Psykoanalytisk metode: et spørsmål om rammer, lytting og kryssing av Rødehavet. Bulletin, Institutt for Psykoterapi, årgang 23, nr. 1 2019, s. 12-22

Lecours, S. & Bouchard, M. (1997). Dimensions Of Mentalisation: Outlining Levels Of Psychic Transformation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 78:855-875

Rey, J.H. (1988). That which Patients Bring to Analysis. Int. J. Psycho- Anal., 69:457-470.

Bruce Fink: A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis, kap 2: Diagnosis and the Position of the Analyst.

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