Seminar i Bergen med Caroline Polmear



Fredag 19. mai 2017, kl. 19.30 Fagmøte ved Litteraturhuset i Bergen 

Lørdag 20. mai 2017, klinisk seminar 




Caroline Polmear is a Training and Supervising Analyst of the Institute of Psychoanalysis. Some of her publications include: A Short introduction to Psychoanalysis with Jane Milton and Julia Fabricius; Finding the bridge: psychoanalytic work with Asperger’s syndrome patients, in The Many Faces of Asperger’s Syndrome, eds. Maria Rhode and Trudy Klauber and in Autism in Childhood and Autistic Features in Adults ed. Kate Barrows; Envy and Gratitude: an Independent view, in Envy and Gratitude Revisited eds. Priscilla Roth and Alessandra Lemma;    Dying to live: mourning, melancholia and the adolescent process, in Enduring Loss eds. Eileen McGinley and Arturo Varchevker, and The Basic Fault and the borderline psychotic transference, in Independent Psychoanalysis Today eds. Paul Williams, John Keene and Sira Dermen.



Fredag 19. mai 2017, kl. 19.30 Fagmøte ved Litteraturhuset i Bergen 

«Deciphering unconscious communication through enactment»

Caroline Polmear skriver om foredraget:

Some transference communication can be inferred by analysing the patient’s symbolic verbal associations. However deep and primitive pre-verbal or non-symbolic communication of the transference is harder to hear. I will explore the ways in which the analyst can hear unconscious and non-symbolic communication by recognising ways in which they are engaged unconsciously in mutual enactments, I hope that the clinical work that I report in this paper will help us to think about how we can make the patient’s unconscious communication to our unconscious, conscious and available for thought.

Sted: Litteraturhuset, Bergen

Pris: 150,- (75,- for studenter)

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Lørdag 20. mai 2017, kl. 09.00 – 16.00, klinisk seminar 

I seminaret vil tre deltakere få anledning til å legge frem klinisk materiale for diskusjon. Seminaret er åpent for både medlemmer, kandidater og andre psykoterapeuter med interesse for psykodynamisk / psykoanalytisk psykoterapi.

Pris: 2000,- inkl. enkel lunsj.

Påmelding: Bindende påmelding til

Sted: Bergen, nærmere informasjon kommer etter hvert.

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