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Psykoterapiseminar i Trondheim, torsdag 11. mai 2017.
Psykoterapiforum, Midt-Norge som består av nåværende og tidligere kandidater ved Institutt For Psykoterapi i Oslo, arrangerer dagseminar på Scandic Hotell Nidelven i Trondheim torsdag 11.05.17:
TEMA: Å inspirere til endring.
FORELESER: Sandra Buechler, PhD, William Alanson White Institute in New York City.
Sandra Buechler is training and supervising analyst at the William Alanson White Institute in New York City. She also supervises at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy. A member of the editorial board of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, she is the author of Clinical Values: Emotions that Guide Psychoanalytic Treatment (Analytic Press, 2004), and has written papers on the analyst’s experiences of loneliness, loss, joy, and other aspects of the clinician’s feelings. She also authored Making a Difference in Patients’ Lives (Routledge, 2008), Still Practicing: The Heartaches and Joys of a Clinical Career (Routledge, April 2012), and Understanding and Treating Patients in Clinical Psychoanalysis; Lessons from Literature (Routledge, 2015).
Kurset er godkjent av Dnlf med 6 timer som valgfritt kurs for leger under spesialisering i Barne- og Ungdomspsykiatri, og for spesialistenes etterutdanning. Kurset er søkt godkjent av NPF som 6 timers fritt spesialkurs for psykologer, og som 6 timers vedlikeholdsaktivitet for psykologspesialister.
Påmeldingsfristen er 14.04.17, og det er bindende påmelding.
Seminaravgiften er kr. 1800.-, inklusive lunsj og kaffe. Faktura blir sendt til oppgitt adresse etter mottatt påmelding til:
Olav Røkkum, Tiller DPS, St. Olavs Hospital, Østre Rosten 55, 7075 Trondheim; e-post: olav.rokkum@stolav.no
I påmeldingen ber vi om at du oppgir: Navn, adresse, yrkestittel, telefon, e-postadresse, institusjon du arbeider ved og fakturaadresse (NB!). Det er fint om du gjør seminaret kjent blant leger og psykologer på arbeidsplassen din.
Ph.D. Sandra Buechler, lærer og veileder ved William Alanson White Institute i New York. Buechler representerer Interpersonlig psykoanalyse i tradisjonen etter Harry Stack Sullivan.
Sted: Scandic Hotell Nidelven, Havnegaten 1-4, Trondheim.
Tlf. 73 56 80 00
Foredrag, klinisk demonstrasjon og drøfting i plenum. Seminaret vil foregå på engelsk. Hovedtittel:
Inspiring Change in Treatment;
This seminar will address how the Interpersonal psychoanalyst can inspire change. Or, in other words, who must we be, in order to help people in treatment? What aspects of the relationship between clinician and patient are essential, for the work to progress?
- Some fundamental premises of an Interpersonal approach to treatment.
- Some of my own beliefs about the «clinical values» that are essential to the work.
- Specific examples-the hope, courage, and sense of purpose required to help people in treatment.
11:30-12:30 Lunch
- Some basic premises about emotions that play important roles in the treatment relationship.
- Specific examples of the roles of joy, regret, shame, and grief.
- Discussion of «inspiration.» How do we inspire change? Discussion of a case (the presenter’s or a participant’s) where inspiring change is especially challenging.
Sandra Buechler, Ph.D.
155 West 70th Street, 11F
New York, New York, 10023
William Alanson White Institute Training, Supervising Analyst, and Faculty;
Columbia University, Psychiatric Institute Psychology Internship Program, New York, N.Y. Supervisor; Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy Supervisor and Faculty
W.A. White Institute Certificate in Psychoanalysis 1983
Adelphi University Ph.D. in clinical psychology 1973
Brooklyn College B.A. in psychology 1967
Scholars’ Program, Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude
W.A. White Institute Required course on diagnosis and pathology (1999-Present).
- A. White Institute Second year required course on theories of hysteria. (1990-1999).
Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy Fourth year required course on issues in the treatment of borderline patients. (1984-Present).
(2015) Understanding and Treating Patients in Clinical Psychoanalysis: Lessons from Literature. New York: Routledge.
(2012) Still Practicing: The Heartaches and Joys of a Clinical Career. New York. Routledge.
(2010) No pain, no gain? Suffering and the analysis of defense. Contemporary
Psychoanalysis 46: 3334-354.
(2009) A Field of Dreams: The Ideal Psychoanalytic Institute and Training. Guest Editor of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, issue on training. Volume 45, Number 3.
(2008) Making A Difference In Patients’ Lives New York, Routledge.
(2004) Clinical Values: Emotions that Guide Psychoanalytic Treatment New York. Analytic Press.
(2003) Analytic integrity. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 39: 323-326.
(2002) More simply human than otherwise. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 38: 485-497.
(2002) Joy in the analytic encounter. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 38: 613-622.
(2002) Fromm’s spirited values and analytic neutrality. International Forum of Psychoanalysis. Oslo (Scandinavian University Press) Vol 11, No. 4, pp 2750278.
(2000) Necessary and unnecessary losses: the analyst’s mourning Contemporary Psychoanalysis 36: 77-90.
(1999) Searching for a passionate neutrality. Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 35:231-227.
(1998) The analyst’s experience of loneliness. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 34:91-115.
(1997) The right stuff. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 33: 295-306.
(1996) Supervision of the treatment of borderline patients. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 32: 86-92.
(1995) Hope as inspiration in psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 5: 63-74(1995) Emotion. In: Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, ed. M. Lionells, J. Fiscalini, C.H. Mann, & D.B. Stern Hillsdale, N.J: The Analytic Press. Pp. 165-188.
Other publications include chapters in books on loneliness, mourning, trauma, and emotional development. Co-principal investigator on a National Science Foundation Grant.
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